Thursday, October 31, 2013

Political Participation

Although voting is a common way of participating in government, there are many other ways to be involved in elections and other political processes. Civil Disobedience and running for office are two very different ways of participation that are as equally effective as voting.
Civil Disobedience is defined as the refusal to comply with certain laws or to pay taxes and fines, as a peaceful form of political protest. This is a great way to receive a lot of media attention because most television viewers are attracted to spectacles, not information. Civil Disobedience attracts the attention of the media because of this.
Running for office is another way to participate in the political process. It is a very effective way of expressing opinions and representing the needs of others once elected into office. If many people agree with the opinions of an official attempting to run for office, the likelihood of being elected is better because of popular support.
People can participate in politics in other ways besides voting. It is very important for people to participate in politics to ensure an accurate depiction of what America wants. Without participation, our government and the decisions it makes are inaccurate and against what a democracy was founded upon.


  1. Good examples and advantages of each

  2. Good examples. Try to make a stronger intro sentence, and don't use the same word multiple times in the same sentence (1st sentence). Good job explaining the advantages!

  3. Whole blog is Very good. Missing two essays? Please take care of that ASAP and I'll make a correction Also, you might want to add 'labels' when you post, so later on you can easily find essays about 'constitution' or 'civil rights' when you are test prepping.
