Thursday, October 24, 2013

The New American Center

The New American Center has increased in size tremendously in recent years. There are key aspects of the ideology that make the American Center quite unique than what is perceived. I took the survey as well and found myself to be a part of the MBA Middle, which is basically the center and slightly to the left.

The Center is comprised of a diverse culture, ethnically speaking. The results of a survey show that the Center is a mixing pot of cultures and ethnicities as opposed to the right being mostly Caucasian and the left being both Caucasian and African American. I believe the mixing pot center provides a greater representation of the population, as it is a mixing pot of ethnicities as well.

As far as issues go, the center has a variety of opinions. On issues of affirmative action and illegal immigrants, there was never a majority of the group that agreed on the issue. For example, the end affirmative action was supported by 30% of the center, while 25% were neutral on the issue, and 7% opposed it all together. This mix of opinions still shows that the center has a strong opinion, but because some of the center, like me, have more right or left beliefs, will tend to disagree on most matters.

Although on most issues the majority of the center will not agree, 54% agree on the fact they are discontent with the way things are going in America. This includes how optimistic people are and control laws, such as guns. Most of the center are pessimistic about America's future, and most of the center do not own guns and believe background checks are necessary for the safety of schools and public places.

Religion is another issue that has a central opinion in the New American Center. A whopping 59% of the center agree that religion should pay NO part in government. This is most likely because the center is far less religious than the right or left. This doesn't mean the center is non-religious, as 29% say they make time regularly to pray and attend services. I pray regularly, but do not think religion should have anything to do with the government because there are so many religions that it would cause far more conflict than is already caused daily in government.

In conclusion, the Center is a mixing pot of beliefs. Although most disagree on one set view with issues, humanity and the well being of America as a whole are important to us. On controversial matters like and gay marriage, the center is open-minded to new ideas, and are neutral to the idea of making strict laws against anyone. This is important as America is revolutionizing into a "more modern" culture where ideas should be welcomed by all. The modernizing of our culture, in fact, starts with the welcoming of the New American Center as a viable source of opinion and growth.

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