Friday, November 8, 2013

Hugh Sloan, Watergate

Hugh Sloan.
Hugh Sloan, Secretary of CREEP

Hugh Sloan was born in Princeton, New Jersey on November 1st, 1940. He married Deborah Murray, now Deborah Sloan, in 1971 and became the treasurer of the Committee for Re-Election of the President (CREEP) shortly after. Mr. Sloan played a lesser role in the issue of Watergate, but still had some effect on its outcome.
His role in Watergate is less central than others, but still important in the aftermath. He participated and observed in many events, some of which he was accused of wrong-doings, and others in which he was defended. On March 20th, 1971 during a CREEP meeting, Nixon decided to spend $250,000 on "intelligence gathering". In other words, Nixon stated he wanted to spend money to spy on the Democrats. Sloan, the treasurer, confirmed the amount and wrote checks for the certain people involved.
In July of 1972, five men supposedly from the CIA, were arrested after attempting to bug some of the Democratic party's offices in the Watergate Hotel. Checks for large sums of money were later found deposited into the bank accounts of the burglars. This was one of the first connections of Sloan to Watergate, and only escalated further from here. In November of 1972, Nixon was reelected as president despite the controversy; however, the trouble continued.
During the trial, "the Watergate Seven", Sloan admits to giving almost $200,000 to the secret espionage team for Nixon. This led to G. Gordon Liddy and James McCord being charged with the conspiracy and wiring of the Democratic headquarters and were immediately put in jail.
Although Sloan played an important role in the Watergate break-in and the following court cases, he was never jailed or prosecuted. He soon left politics completely, and became a part of many successful businesses. The scandal of Watergate will continue to be studied for a long time; as long as Hugh Sloan is alive, his name will be next to one of the biggest scandals of all time in America.

 Citations: (wife of Hugh Sloan) (role)

Link to general information on the Watergate

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