Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Philippines

Aftermath of the Philippines

Typhoon Haiyan, one of the worst storms recorded, swept through several islands of the Philippines. One of the areas worst affected by the typhoon was Tacloban. Guiuan, a town of 40,000 people, is in dire need of help as well.
There are many ways we can help the people in the Philippines, but there are key needs that must be met in order to stop future disasters of different kinds. After the earthquake in Haiti, help was rushed in but Cholera was spread because of unclean water. If this were to happen to the Philippines, it would lead to years of bad fortune for its inhabitants. Operation USA has begun covering this base by providing water purification supplies.
The three basic needs must be met for the people of Tacloban and Guiuan: food, shelter, and water. Shelterbox, an emergency relief organization, has been passing out tents and survival kits for people with no homes. They have committed to help 4,000 families and have so far provided 504 Shelterbox tents to people in Manila, Philippines. The World Food Programme has already given two-million dollars and is working to provide fortified biscuits to the Philippines.
Although these basic needs must be met, there are others that get put on the back-burner of the situation that can become real issues if not taken care of. Mosquitoes are directly related to Malaria which is easily spread in muggy areas. With all the water in the Philippines, this creates worry. In addition to an emphasis on providing water, we should also be donating bug spray to keep mosquitoes away.


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