Friday, May 9, 2014

essay 20

     National interest groups often target national-level policy making institutions to achieve their policy objectives, such as the AARP. The AARP targets the bureacracy and a specific agency. It focuses on Social Security administration , Medicare portion of HHS, FDA, and specific health remedy. 
     The AARP has a large support group of people, which translates into manpower and money. This influences the bureacracy through litigation. The people who support AARP litigate for change in Medicare that positively effect the group. 
     With money, AARP can gain more support by the use of media. Through television, radio, and talk shows, the AARP can gain more support and increase interest and donations which leads to a greater power for the group and more of a prescense in the decisions of the government.

(1999_2)National interest groups often target national-level policymaking institutions to achieve their policy objectives.

Select one of the following national interest groups.
- AMA (Medical Association
- NAM (national assoc. of Manufacturers)

For the group you selected do each of the following.
- a identify one major national-level policymaking institution that this group targets.
- b describe one resource or characteristic of the group you have chosen and explain how it influences the choice of the target you have identified in (a)
- c describe another resource or characteristic of the group you have chosen and explain how it influences the choice of the target you have identified in (a).

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