Friday, May 9, 2014

Earth Day Annotated Bibliography

     "A Fierce Green Fire" by American Masters explores the expansion of conservation, pollution and cleanup of Love Canal, a whale-saving group called Greenpeace, global resources, and climate change. Created for Earth Day, this film broadens the horizons of those who watch it and reveals shocking truths about the reality of our future Earth.
     In the 1960s the conservation movement grew with the help of the Sierra Club. Head of the Sierra Club, David Brower, fought hard to protect dams in national parks. He made the argument that dams could be built anywhere, but they should protect the national parks the same way that they are protected from hunting because the river contains fish and is a necessity for many of the plants and animals in the park. After two years, the Grand Canyon was eventually saved and no dam was built in the park.
     Love Canal was nearby a residential area with many houses containing families with small children and growing families as well. In the 1970s, Lois Gibbs, a resident near the canal, realized that the canal contained chemicals that were affecting the children, gardens, and animals in the residencies. She started a petition for relocation of the area because it was causing deaths and disabilities. Unfortunately, it was denied many times. Gibbs remained persistent and eventually help two government officials captive in one of the houses and demanded relocation be set before their release. Two days later she received a phone call from the president granting temporary relocation to everyone in the area because of the toxic waste nearby.
     In 1972, Greenpeace, an anti-whaling group, was founded by Paul Watson and Rex Weyler. They were targeting international whaling ships in the Atlantic and seal killing expeditions in the Arctic. Their beliefs were nonviolent, peaceful tactics. Unfortunately, after Paul Watson attached himself to a seal and was dragged aboard one of the ships he used violent tactics in order to protect himself, he was kicked out of Greenpeace. Soon after, Watson started his own group which has been successful in stopping illegal animal practices.

A Fierce Green Fire. Dir. Mark Kitchell. 22 Apr. 2014. PBS. Web. 22 Apr. 2014. <>.

     A questionable issue has risen in the past decade over antibiotic supplements being given to livestock in order to keep the animals healthier in unjust environments. The real reason for the treatment is to fatten livestock up, by three percent some researchers say.
     This is an issue for humans as well because the more we eat the antibiotic treated animals, our bodies slowly become immune to the antibiotics used. The issue continues into immunity to dangerous diseases that now are no longer treatable because the drugs previously used no longer work as effectively.
     The artificial fattening of livestock proves to decrease the immune systems of these animals and lead to many different diseases. It also causes discomfort in the animals because the extra weight causes strain on different muscles in the bodies.

"Is Your Meat Safe?." PBS. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 May 2014. <>.

Part 1:  Bibliographic annotation for.
American Masters, A fierce Green fire.  Use the internet, and cite the source.  Summarize. In a paragraph format.  MLA format, but you don't have to reverse indent if you don't like.

Part 2:  2 more sources about some aspect of the Environmental movement that 'speaks to you.'  This could be managing fisheries for recreation, saving the whales, etc., clean air, clean water, solar power, nuclear power, clean coal.  I don't really care, but don't be contrarian for contrarians sake.  Look for something good about the Planet,  and dig in.

Cite the sources, summarize, in MLA format.

Write a statement of purpose about what you would like to see done about the issue you have researched, and WHY.

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