Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Entitlement Programs and Social Security (Essay 15)

     In recent decades, entitlement programs have constituted a substantial portion of the United States federal budget. Social Security is the largest entitlement program in the US. An entitlement program is a government program that guarantees certain benefits to a particular group or segment of the population. An example of an entitlement program is Social Security. 
     Social Security is any government system that provides monetary assistance to people with inadequate or no income. The primary source of revenue for social security is a 6.2 % tax of all american's income. This tax is taken out of every paycheck and is put into an account for distribution to those who are in need. One threat to the future of social security that is depicted in the chart is the balance of amount in paid to the reserve, and the amount paid out of it. It is becoming unbalanced because of the "baby-boomers".
     The baby-boomers are creating an unbalanced ratio of beneficiaries to recipients, which is upsetting the economic state of the Social Security finances. If the age of eligibility for social security were raised, it would allow a natural digression of recipients, which in turn would re-balance the paid-in to paid-out ratio. 

2006-2 In recent decades, entitlement programs have constituted a substantial portion of the United States federal budget. Social Security is the largest entitlement program in the US. From the information in the chart above, and your knowledge of the US government and politics, perform the following tasks.


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