Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Essay 14: presidential influence

     A number of factors enable presidents to exert influence over Congress in the area of domestic policy. However, presidents are also limited in their influence over domestic policymaking in Congress.
     Through the Constitution, the president is granted certain enumerated powers. These powers include vetoing, and calling congressional sessions. Vetoing can include pocket vetoes, regular vetoes, and other legislative acts. Calling congressional sessions gives the president time to lobby for his own requests at almost any time he would like. 

     Party polarization and mandatory spending each limit the president's ability to influence domestic policy making in Congress. Party polarization increases interparty differences, which can lead to gridlock in getting ideas and needs to the form of a bill.

      If the president is in favor of a party with disagreements, not much legislation is going to be passed. Mandatory spending limits the president by the budget can prevent measures from being passed. It is also difficult to pass laws when budgets are having to be set too low.


2008-2)A number of factors enable presidents to exert influence over Congress in the area of domestic policy. However, presidents are also limited in their influence over domestic policymaking in Congress.

-The Constitution grants the president certain enumerated powers. Describe two of these formal powers that enable the president to exert influence over domestic policy.

-Choose two of the following. Define each term and explain how each limits the president’s ability to influence domestic policy making in Congress.
*Mandatory spending
*Party polarization
*Lame-duck period

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