Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Legislation and the parties (essay 8)

     The majority party has the most influence in decisions made in the government. On occasion there are upsets when the minority wins, but for the most part these wins are minor. The majority party has many advantages in lawmaking, above and beyond the numerical advantage in congress.  They hold committee chairs, which gives authorization of decision-making. The majority party also sets the policy agenda. This benefits the party by allowing them to put the legislation they want onto the agenda. 
     There are differences that make it likely for legislation to pass in one chamber but not in the other. The house has many more formal procedures and rules than the Senate. Also, filibusters are possible in the Senate, but not in the House of Representatives.
     Filibusters can kill legislation in the Senate that was passed in the House. Even if a majority wants to pass the bill, a filibuster can kill it. The House of Representatives deny the passage of a bill because of certain rules, not applicable in the Senate.

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